Saturday, January 17, 2009

Thing #24 - Download from Overdrive

I think I must really be in a pscyhological experiment designed to find out either 1)how rewards, or even the possibility of a reward, motivates your average library employee or 2) whether librarian-type people would "fudge" having done something when given the opportunity. Well, for you researchers out there who want to delve into the psyche of a middle-aged librarian, the truth is that I am motivated by nearly any small token or glimmer of a potential reward, AND I would never, ever fudge.

So, I did download a book from Overdrive and put in onto my ***NEW*** MP3 player. The system was very easy to use and loaded quickly from my home computer. My only complaint is that there does not appear to be a wide selection of books. I tried to look up several books which I know have been best sellers over the past two years or so (such as The Tipping Point) and did not find them. I ended up getting "Agnes Grey" by Anne Bronte, to see how Anne measures up to her more-famous sisters. But it's hardly a new release, eh?

So, onward into the brave new world of Library 2.0!

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