Sunday, January 4, 2009

Discovery Exercise #20 - youtube

I have a fifteen-year-old daughter, so I would have to be a pretty uninvolved parent not to have checked out I think my first exposure to youtube was probably the "Muffins" video; if you have a teenager, you know the one I mean. Then it was Charlie the Unicorn. It seems that every video has its five minutes (or five seconds?) of fame on youtube.

I've checked out many different videos on you tube. Sometimes I just surf for the fun of it. My daughter likes to see favorite songs from Disney movies in other languages. I like animated shorts, and heartwarming, "feel good" videos. You can see some of my favorites if you visit the 23 things wiki (#s 2, 3 and 4 at this site).

And if you search for blonde in the library, you'll have a good laugh (unless, of course, you're naturally blonde).

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